I recently had a counseling session with a client and she mentioned the phrase, "God closes a door and opens a window." I reminded her that she needed to at least check the knob.
Sometimes, we think opportunities or even our dreams or desires are not always in line with the Will of God. I think sometimes what we want for ourselves can be in God's Will, but, it may not be the most perfect time to start off on a new career or moving to some place new, but, we don't always know this unless we at least check the knob. We assume that the door is closed and even locked, but, that isn't always the case. Sometimes out of fear we decide that what we want or desire isn't what God wants for us and we automatically assume because the one thing that we tried to move us into that direction didn't pan out, it wasn't meant to be. I believe that we can always try and we keep trying until all the doors and windows are closed and locked. And within that comes not being in the Will of God, but, God suggesting we try a different path, a different avenue, a different way of asking.
I've been sick with a sinus infection for such a long time (finally getting better). And there have been plenty of days I've been lying in bed exhausted, but not able to sleep, and feeling like I've got so much to do (running your own private practice isn't easy) and I was getting so far behind on everything, everything being paperwork and billing. But one day it became clear to me, I created that hell. I'm not saying that I purposely got sick, but, I think I ran and ran from what I wanted to do and I know I am in His Will. It was fear. Not going to lie, each time I write a blog post or think of writing a book, there are moments of fear and doubt that I'm not good enough, or I'm not going to measure up. But, I hear the prayer a man once prayed over me while on the phone. He asked God to remove the fear. The fear of writing and making myself heard. He told me, "You don't know your words may be what someone needs to hear." I have a saying I stole from someone and I love saying it, though I forget its true value some of the time, "What audacity I have to be afraid to do what I am being called to do."
Most of us know what we want out of life and some even know how to go after it and get it, but there are a good chunk that are afraid to even open the door to find the next door. God has given you the dream/desire and placed it on your heart and in doing that, he didn't close and lock all the doors, you have to step out in faith and at least place your hand on the knob and turn to find out if its locked and maybe that door didn't hold the right opportunity, keep checking the next ones. Remember, you have the power and its in them shoes.