I'm back! Well, I'm not sure if that is a good thing or bad thing, but none the less, here I am.
I've taken some off from writing the blog, because of other projects, namely editing a book that will be published next year (3AM Conversation with God; Disappointment) and all the other daily living things that go on in one's life.
But there is something I want to talk about. Something that has been happening to me personally and professionally within my practice. Recently, I've prayed for discernment and clarity regarding a new relationship I'm in, as well as my writing career, and now moving into spiritual coaching. I've received my answers on all three of these concerns. The thing is once you've received the truth there is no turning back. We can't unlearn what we have learned.
A great deal of us would prefer to bury our head in the sand and pretend that everything is good, yet, continue to complain when things truly aren't, The truth is a powerful thing and we receive it everyday of our lives. I don't want to get the truth and reality mixed up. Reality is what is going on around you, these things that we know is true, but once we know the truth we can't un-know it. We can always change our reality, and than in turn will change our truth.
I had a personal experience yesterday. I had taken a Mary day because the anniversary of my father's death was coming and I needed a day for myself-to take care of myself. I had been praying about a new relationship and if it were going anywhere or if it were like the countless others that I've had. One of the things my beau says to me when I tell him I love him is, "Love you more".
I would get so excited when he'd say that and I'd reply, "I hope so."
Well, while I was out doing my shopping therapy, I came across some wooden signs that had sweet romantic comments or quotes. I read one and thought it sounded much like me and how I felt about my relationship. I was at the register and a bright red sign jumped out at me. It wasn't there before, I thought. I asked the sales person how much was the sign? She went to get it and returned with it. On the sign was the exact phrase that my beau says to me, "Love You More" I knew in an instant that was for me. That was a true sign from God that everything is going to be okay. I am on the right path with the relationship.
The truth is a powerful thing and sometimes a lie can mask itself as truth, but that's when we pray for clarity and for discernment. We ask that our eyes be open to the truth. I cautioned a young married woman recently that once her eyes are opened to the truth, be careful, because we very well may not like what we see. She later told me she wasn't ready to know the truth, but, she needed to know it. The truth does set you free.
I hope this blog helps you in making a choice to live in a lie or in the truth. Remember you are empowered and you have the power to change your reality and in turn change your truth. I hope you are able to see the signs that are telling you the truth and reminding you that your power is in them shoes. Be blessed.