Why are we so mean?

I am going to try very hard not to get on a soap box here, but, I've got to say this...

I recently read a comment on Facebook on, of all things, a page for lingerie. One woman complained they didn't carry her size and another woman replied calling her a bitch for complaining. What is wrong with us women? Why do we find the need to put another woman down when both appear to be very unhappy with life circumstances? I don't get it? Are we that jealous of others? Really?

Please tell me one woman who is truly and completely, utterly happy with her body? I can almost guarantee you there isn't but a handful of women who can say they are truly, completely and utterly happy with her body just like it is. I can tell you that I am not completely happy with mine, and I'm 46 years old. I have friends of different shapes and sizes and they aren't happy with their's, either, but, I don't hear us complaining and calling each other names, maliciously, because one size fits another better than the other. As women we are a pretty powerful being. We have been given the ability to carry and give birth (if we are lucky), but, as a human being, we were created to be the nurturer, to be wise and show and teach compassion. I am no Mother Theresa, by any stretch and I am definitely not a saint, but, I do know that I share the similar complaints in this world as a lot of women, but, I am not relinquishing my power to belittle, degrade, or defame another person because my complaint isn't any greater than anyone else.

Remember, you have the power to change yourself. If you are unhappy with how you look or even what you do in this life, change it! You have the power and the knowledge to do so. You are empowered to be better than you want to be and you can lift others up in the process not bring them down because you aren't happy with your station in life. Before you react to someone in anger, stop and think of what you are going to say and do and ask yourself, "How come this affects me so deeply that I need to bully or be mean to another?" We don't know the other person's circumstance and we don't need to, we know our own and we really ought to "check ourselves" before we lash out.

You have the power and its in them shoes. Be kind to one another.
#Ladies,thepowerisinthemshoes #mindfulcoachingandtherapy


I was thinking about MLK day today and the freedoms that so many of us take for granted.
I'm not going to go into the politics of things or the discussion of race rights or even women rights, but, what I am going to blog about is the power freedom holds.

Everyday we seem to be enslaved to something, whether its our career, our kids, our marriage, our relationships in general, etc., but, most of us feel from time to time we are slave to something and we feel we are forever that captive. But, life doesn't have to be that way. We can choose to be free or we can choose to be to enslaved, its that simple. I hear some of you now, balking at this idea, but, it is true. Once we stop blaming our situation or circumstance on other things or other people, we will be free. Granted, most of us will need jobs and we need money, and we aren't willing to give up our children or families, or marriages, etc., but, the minute we stop the victim mentality, stop feeling sorry for ourselves, we will be FREE. Nothing in this life is perfect, even snowflakes are imperfect, but they are also perfect because they are free. Butterflies aren't perfect, but they are free. We aren't perfect, but, we can be free if we only allow ourselves to be ourselves and live life not on its terms, but our own.

Freedom was fought for each and everyone of us in some why shape or form, doesn't matter where you've come from, how you got here, or even what your belief, our freedom was fought for in many different ways, from human to spiritual, why would we continue to allow ourselves to remain victims to the unpleasant things in our lives. No matter what your dream, it is within your power to receive it, even not accept it, if it were handed to you on a platter. You don't have to be a slave to anything in your life. I challenger you today to explore for yourself where you feel you are a victim and let yourself free. Remember, the Power is in them shoes!


Being uncomfortable until comfortable happens

My first VLOG!!!! Yeah!!!
There is a saying that goes something like this....when you are the most uncomfortable is when comfortable is on its way. Stay focused and committed to your goals and dreams and they will happen for you. May not be today or tomorrow or even next week, but, they are on their way. Remember, you hold the power to make the changes you wish to see in your life. The power is in them shoes!

Replenishing the Soul

Holiday decorations are down. I've created several goal lists for 2014 (not resolutions) and tucked them away in my Bible. I know some folks have a prayer box, that's cool, too. But, I don't know about you, yet when I think of my list(s) the goals feel like they are the most overwhelming things in the world, maybe this is why we don't do resolutions or keep them. I am always suggesting to not bite off more than you can chew in life, but, that is so easier said than done.

The two things I have decided not to bring into 2014 from last year, was procrastination and a negative attitude. Well, I'd like to think I'm doing a pretty good job with not procrastinating, in fact, I've met some other goals because of it. YAY! But, lately, my attitude has SUCKED (Excuse me), but it has. I've not written a blog in a bit, because of it and I am sorry, I am working on it.

It is empowering to recognize when you are making progress and where you are not. When you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed, or frustrated, try doing something creative to break out of those feelings or even thoughts. I'm not sure if its good or bad, but, I think I came up with an idea for one of my goals for 2014, but, you've got to stay tuned to find out if I will follow through.

Remember, you also have the power to make any and all changes in your life. Don't be a victim to your circumstances or even the situation, the fact of the matter is, you have the ability to get up and walk away, either emotionally, mentally or physically. I do hope 2014 has started out great for you, though we are going to have some minor set backs, but remember, the power is in them shoes.


What are you NOT taking into 2014?

"Keep tight inside of them—their magic must be very powerful, or she wouldn't want them so badly!" -Glinda
She was speaking of Dorothy in the ruby slippers.
What is it with women and shoes? I often hear this. My fiance and I have had this discussion before and its a non-winning battle for him. As I've gotten older, I have slowed down purchasing as many, but, I would buy shoes anytime I needed to be lifted up. Much like some women will cut their hair after a break up, I would buy shoes. Most of my shoes are in boxes, and I have worn them and will continue to do so, and I have a few that I needed space in my closet and I had to give up the box.
The quote from Glinda the Good Witch in the Wizard of Oz, one of my all-time favorite movies, by the way, seems to be speaking on several different levels. We all know the story of the Wizard of Oz and Dorothy's power to go back home. But. if we think about this quote and apply it to what is going on in our own lives, right now, we have our own ruby red slippers that are magical and powerful. Its what I have been saying all along with this blog. You will always have the power and the magic to make your life however you choose. You have the power to be happy and have the peace that you have been searching for, or believing that you are missing.
Power has always been in your shoes. You are your own power and you can create your own magic in your life.
Think about this. What is it that you don't want to take with you in the new year? I wrote about this on my Facebook page, Mindful Coaching and Therapy. I've decided I don't want to take procrastination with me into the new year. I am always putting off things that can easily be completed. I have become lackadaisical in my thoughts and actions, so I've taken action and have decided this next year will be very different and I know I have the ability, the power, if you will, to make that happen. I don't and can't rely on others to do it for me. This is my life, these are my goals, my dreams, my wants and desires. I have the ability to make it happen. People are going to want to take your power, don't give it to them, don't let them steal your dreams, goals, wants or desires. If they have wronged you, don't allow them to continue to hold themselves over you, you are the one in control, you are the one with the strength to stand on your own two feet, in your own "red ruby" slippers and you alone hold the power to make the changes for yourself.

Remember the power is in them shoes.