Replenishing the Soul

Holiday decorations are down. I've created several goal lists for 2014 (not resolutions) and tucked them away in my Bible. I know some folks have a prayer box, that's cool, too. But, I don't know about you, yet when I think of my list(s) the goals feel like they are the most overwhelming things in the world, maybe this is why we don't do resolutions or keep them. I am always suggesting to not bite off more than you can chew in life, but, that is so easier said than done.

The two things I have decided not to bring into 2014 from last year, was procrastination and a negative attitude. Well, I'd like to think I'm doing a pretty good job with not procrastinating, in fact, I've met some other goals because of it. YAY! But, lately, my attitude has SUCKED (Excuse me), but it has. I've not written a blog in a bit, because of it and I am sorry, I am working on it.

It is empowering to recognize when you are making progress and where you are not. When you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed, or frustrated, try doing something creative to break out of those feelings or even thoughts. I'm not sure if its good or bad, but, I think I came up with an idea for one of my goals for 2014, but, you've got to stay tuned to find out if I will follow through.

Remember, you also have the power to make any and all changes in your life. Don't be a victim to your circumstances or even the situation, the fact of the matter is, you have the ability to get up and walk away, either emotionally, mentally or physically. I do hope 2014 has started out great for you, though we are going to have some minor set backs, but remember, the power is in them shoes.


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