I am going to try very hard not to get on a soap box here, but, I've got to say this...
I recently read a comment on Facebook on, of all things, a page for lingerie. One woman complained they didn't carry her size and another woman replied calling her a bitch for complaining. What is wrong with us women? Why do we find the need to put another woman down when both appear to be very unhappy with life circumstances? I don't get it? Are we that jealous of others? Really?
Please tell me one woman who is truly and completely, utterly happy with her body? I can almost guarantee you there isn't but a handful of women who can say they are truly, completely and utterly happy with her body just like it is. I can tell you that I am not completely happy with mine, and I'm 46 years old. I have friends of different shapes and sizes and they aren't happy with their's, either, but, I don't hear us complaining and calling each other names, maliciously, because one size fits another better than the other. As women we are a pretty powerful being. We have been given the ability to carry and give birth (if we are lucky), but, as a human being, we were created to be the nurturer, to be wise and show and teach compassion. I am no Mother Theresa, by any stretch and I am definitely not a saint, but, I do know that I share the similar complaints in this world as a lot of women, but, I am not relinquishing my power to belittle, degrade, or defame another person because my complaint isn't any greater than anyone else.
Remember, you have the power to change yourself. If you are unhappy with how you look or even what you do in this life, change it! You have the power and the knowledge to do so. You are empowered to be better than you want to be and you can lift others up in the process not bring them down because you aren't happy with your station in life. Before you react to someone in anger, stop and think of what you are going to say and do and ask yourself, "How come this affects me so deeply that I need to bully or be mean to another?" We don't know the other person's circumstance and we don't need to, we know our own and we really ought to "check ourselves" before we lash out.
You have the power and its in them shoes. Be kind to one another.
#Ladies,thepowerisinthemshoes #mindfulcoachingandtherapy
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