I believe most people are able to make decisions and follow through without need of assistance, but there are few of us out there that struggle and we look for someone to show us how to change things for ourselves.
We all have the know how to take care of ourselves. We know when something is wrong, ie, when we are catching a cold or feel a headache coming on. We also know when something emotionally and mentally isn't right with ourselves, yet, unlike taking an aspirin or going for the homeopathic to stop the cold quicker, we want to become powerless, or the victim. There is no power in playing the victim. Let me say that again, THERE IS NO POWER IN PLAYING THE VICTIM.
I have a client who shared a story with me about how her husband would ignore her phone calls or text messages after a while. She wasn't calling to nag or text to remind him of something, but, sometimes she was calling to talk on the commute home from work or even inviting him out to meet her for dinner. This soon became habitual and she was growing angrier and angrier each time he did it. One night after work, she called him and this time he answered. She explained to him she didn't like that he was ignoring her calls or text messages and she didn't care about the excuses or his justifications, but only that he needed to fix it. She explained he knew what the problem was and she didn't care to know, but only that he fix it.
When I heard this I loved it! She wouldn't allow herself to be a victim, to run the what ifs in her head, ie, "What if he is with another woman?" "What if he were this or that?" those things never really seemed to cross her mind, if they did, she didn't allow them to take root. She empowered herself and stood up for herself and recognized it wasn't her problem, but his.
We all have things in our lives that we don't want to deal with or look at or even consider, but, sometimes we allow ourselves to become victims to those circumstances, issues or situations. Stand up for herself, empower yourself and just fix it! No more excuses. Ladies, the power is in them shoes!
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